Thursday, November 6, 2008

Working at the polls this Nov. 4, 2008 was thrilling. First, I worked with all women and we laughed and enjoyed each other so very much. And, we were out of there by 8:45 p.m. The time went by so fast I hardly knew I was there for 10 hours w/o a breakfast, lunch or dinner break. We saw families come in with each other. We saw brothers and sisters together. Sisters and sisters. Brothers and brothers. Couples. First time voters. Old time voters. We saw a proud mother take pictures of her son who was to vote for the first time.
All voters were excited about their "I Voted" stickers...especially w/the free Starbuck's coffee; a Krispy Creme donut; a scoop of ice cream free, to boot!
I think the nation did such a service by getting out to vote. May we please be like this all of the times we vote from now on?
Parents, your children hear your voices at home when you grumble about voting. Take pride in your privledge of being able to vote. Let them know that your vote does count...that YOU count. Your neighbor's counts. We ALL count. Let us keep the generations proud of this country and keep it perpetuating.
What a fabulous country we live in. Let us keep this last election remembered. Not in the who won "this" or who won "that". But, in the fact that so many people went to the polls. They went in families. They sent in their mail-in ballots. They registered to vote and voted. They were inactive voters, and became current voters! They were first-time voters. Voters of all shapes, sizes, creeds, religions and so forth.
Hoooray for the United States of America. We are free to vote! The voice of the people rules! We rule the country! How great is that!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way to be proactive! I love it! Voting is such a privilege isn't it?