Friday, November 14, 2008

Mormons, Prop 8 and Missouri

Yep, that's we go again! No on Prop 8 protestitutes merging onto our sacred temples. Not unlike 100 or so years ago in Missouri...Google it! Read about how the masses, a few, made loud voices and had to take their rage out on a simple religious people. Here in a country where we enjoy religious freedom...hmmmm...we are supposed to be tolerant. Interesting how I have seen Mormons hold signs up on PCH (not too long agon) with not a middle finger held up, not profane words spoken, but smiles on their faces and perhaps a comment , "Why do "they" have to be so angry?"
Is all fair in love and war? Is this love? Is this war?
Now that Prop 8 Yes has passed...TWICE...the courts are going to review it again AND the lawsuits fly and abound. Where is the democratic vote? Where is the tolerance?
Will we get another extermination order handed to us? Google it.
I am proud of my beliefs. Not proud in a haughty way. I am glad I have been taught to be tolerant of others. That is a good thing. I am glad that I have been taught not to fly the middle finger up in people's faces when I disagree. I am glad that I have been taught to love my enemies and pray for them. I am glad that I have been taught to raise my hand to the square and vote, and promise, to love this country for all that it is.
But, don't pick on me when there are others to pick on as well. Pick on all of us. If you're gonna go to my temples, ya need to visit all of the other churches, synagoges (sp:?), and the like to truly do that middle-finger-thing.
Whoopi read some of the signs that No on Prop 8 protestors had written on some of the signs they were holding. Signs held outside the "Mormon Temple". I guess one said "Brigham Young had 18 wives, I just want one". I found myself laughing at that until I realized how sad and misinformed that sign was.
How interesting it is that "they" can have hurtful words said to us, but when the coin is turned, we are called "bigots".
We have a wonderful friend who is gay. We don't see him much anymore because of our lifestyles. But, let me tell you something. I would not trade his friendship for all the money in the world. He will give his shirt off his back for me, if I needed. He lives with his partner and they are beloved by us. Our kids refer to him as "Uncle". He is family and always welcome in our home. Am I a bigot? Is he a bigot? You can bet your life we are NOT.
So, my friends, protest with a kind heart. Don't repeat offenses that have been in past history. Don't exterminate one another.
Live life to the fullest with love in your hearts. Tolerance is a must. We are truly blessed in this country. Don't ruin it. Peace. Out.

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